Hello and Welcome to the Berkeley Psychic Institute


We are an Institute with the goal of teaching spiritual freedom and the development of one's spiritual abilities like those demonstrated by Jesus: Healing the sick, performing miracles, and seeing the truth from the lie.

We ask that you sign our book of Associate Members of the Church. This membership entitles you to an aura reading. If you would like to be on our mailing list so that we might further solicit your support, please sign the guest book.

Your reading will consist of two parts. The first half will consist of a Rose Reading, an Aura Reading and Chakra Reading. After a short break, in the second half, your questions will be answered. We prefer that you write your questions down, as there is a tendency to forget them during the reading.

We ask that you sit with BOTH FEET ON THE FLOOR AND THE PALMS OF YOUR HANDS SEPARATED. When they are otherwise, your aura begins to spin and we are unable to read you. There is no need to concentrate on a specific thing. We only ask that you stay alert and aware to enjoy your reading.

Because this a seminary and we are training readers, there may be a point in the reading where the control will stop to direct a student. The purpose of a control is to monitor the students. This is to your benefit, for you are not only having a reading, but you are participating in our training procedure.

Enclosed in this packet is the latest schedule of our Seminary workshop classes in Meditation, Healing, Female Energy, Nutrition, Breaking the Ice, and Kundalini Energy. Please ask the supervisors or the readers any questions you have about our Seminary and workshop programs. Please give your donation to the host or hostess.



We of the Church believe in: Limitless space, timeless endurance, never ending acceptance, everlasting patience, and continuous comprehension. "What if a man gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" asks Jesus. To a mystic with eyes turned inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness, His words have great meaning. Psychic freedom creates no ideologies, no isms, no dissenting philosophies which divide, corrupt and destroy communication between human souls. No governments are up- turned, no faiths cut down by the sword, no sects or types eliminated; only a one-to-one-contact between the Cosmic and a living soul, which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment and a realization that nothing in this world is worth exchanging for that attainment.


The method of psychic healing developed and taught by the Berkeley Psychic Institute is unique in that we combine the individual students' healing abilities with the use of healing masters.

Healing masters are spiritual beings who, in previous incarnations, have attained a high level of healing knowledge. They choose to function as masters of healing and work with individual healers between incarnations or after they have finished taking bodies on the planet.

This method of healing, which involves an energy bond between the healing master and the healer's hand chakras, allows for the direction of appropriate energy needed in specific healing situations.

Techniques are taught that prevent the healers from using body energy in healing, and from draining and harming themselves or the person seeking healing.

Students are given instruction on how to prevent taking on the illness or symptom of a person being healed. By grounding themselves correctly, by not sympathizing to the extent of absorbing the other's illness, by being neutral channels, the healings are safe and effective.

The student learns the function of the aura and chakras, their relationship to emotional, mental and physical health, as well as how to clean, energize, and harmonize the aura and chakras.

Finally, techniques are given which enable the student to control and direct the energy being channeled. Thus students learn to communicate with spiritual healing masters in ways that are both natural and comfortable.


The mock-up is a set of symbols that we readers visualize in front of us, allowing your energy to flow into it. This gives us a great deal of information about you, both as a personality and as an immortal being, and helps us to better communicate with you.

The rose is the central figure in this picture. It symbolizes you. How open the flower is tells us how open you are on a psychic level and how open you are as a personality to new information. The length of the stem on this rose indicates how long you have been taking bodies on this planet. The leaves on the stem indicate the probable number of children you, as an entity, may have considered having in this life. This is no way binding, as there is free will. Prominent bands on the stem of the rose indicate lives that are pertinent to this life and to present growth.

There is a sun in the left corner of the mock-up which symbolizes your energy source, the God of your heart (your own concept of God). We look at the rose in relationship to the sun to determine how in touch you are with this source.

There are two clocks in the right corner which indicate to us how we can best communicate to you. The first clock is a body-personality clock which gives us information about you in this lifetime. The second clock gives information about you as an entity that has taken many bodies and that has a great deal of information about overall goals.

The last symbol in the mock-up is a gauge or thermometer that indicates to what extent you are impressionable or may be programmed by what we say in the reading. Because we are concerned with free will, it is important that you take from what we say only that which feels correct for you.

This is a reading technique created at the Berkeley Psychic Institute and is used as a training device for all of our students, as well as a reading mode for people coming to the school.


Chakras (Sanskrit term) are energy and information centers within the body, and serve as links or channels for spiritual and psychic information. These centers have been found to have a direct relationship to ductless glands and to acupuncture points within the body.

The chakra reading was designed by the Berkeley Psychic Institute. It is a technique for looking at a person's psychic abilities compared to his or her potential ability levels. This is done on a percentage basis on a scale of 0-100%. The percentage is only relevant to the individual's own highest potential, which differs from person to person. There are two percentages given; the first represents how open the chakras were at birth, and the second indicates the openness of the chakras in present time, right at the moment of the reading. It is not uncommon for the percentage at birth to be higher than the present time figure. When we are born, we, as immortal beings, want to find out as much as possible about our surroundings in order to insure our survival. By the time we reach the age of three or four, we may have been encouraged to close down some of our energy/information centers. Both figures are given because the birth percentage is relatively easy to achieve again, as the body has already experienced this state once before.


All things that have consciousness of life, continually state the condition of their being in the form of electromagnetic waves. This energy field is visible to a clairvoyant as organized patterns of color, whose composition and structure vary according to the person or object being read. Specific information concerning the attitudes and experience of a person are recorded in smaller units of structured energy, visible to a clairvoyant as "images" or "pictures."

Each individual reader, because of his own particular energy level, sees or feels colors in his own way, thus each interpretation will be slightly different. This has been the cause of a great deal of confusion concerning psychic work.

The aura reading today will consist of basic color interpretations and will include the symbols in the aura. These symbols coincide with the bands on the stem of the rose in our Rose Reading. The readers from the Berkeley Psychic Institute commonly refer to them as "merit badges." Each entity keeps information from past high lives in the form of symbols as a means of drawing upon this knowledge and as an identification with other entities in bodies.


1st: ROOT CHAKRA: located at base of spine.
Survival: programming necessary to keep the body alive.

2nd: SPLEEN CHAKRA: located three fingers below navel.
Clairsentience: feeling emotions of other people.

3rd: SOLAR PLEXUS: at the solar plexus.
Energy Distribution: distributing vital energies throughout the body.
Out of Body Experience: experience of the being outside the body.
Out of Body Memory: remembering experiences outside the body.

4th: HEART CHAKRA: located at the sternum.
Affinity: ability to enter into a state of oneness with another person, group, or one's self. This occurs before the personality can enter into love.

5th: THROAT CHAKRA: located at the cleft of the throat.
Clairaudience: ability to hear beings without their bodies, over a great distance.
Inner voice: communication between the personality and the being.
Broad Band Telepathy: mental communication with groups of people.
Narrow Band Telepathy: mental communication with one or two persons.
Pragmatic Intuition: intuition dealing with practical affairs, i.e. who's calling on the phone, etc.

6th: BROW CHAKRA: located at the brow or forehead.
Clairvoyance: ability to see mental image pictures, beings without their bodies, auras, chakras, etc.
Abstract Intuition: ability to arrive at a concept without going through logical processes.

7th: CROWN CHAKRA: located at the top of the head.
Trance mediumship: ability to leave the body and allow another being to enter and act through the body. There are two factors involved, a high degree of genetic programming on a physical level, and a willingness of you the being to leave the body entirely.
Knowingness. the ability to be still and know.

Precognition: knowing the future.

Healing: ability to heal self and others.

Telekinesis: ability to move an object by will.

Hands: ability to manifest your inward creativity outwardly.

Feet: ability to draw the energy from the earth into your own body through the feet chakras.

Knowing, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are visual images and aural sounds which are perceived but neither seen or heard. This is a phase usually passed through by most psychics.

Copyright 1983 by the Church of Divine Man