Filtering by: “Mini-Workshops”

Mini-Workshop - Monsters

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Monsters

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

What are Monsters?

Are they dark reflections of our humanity, misunderstood outcasts, necessary evils, or things that goes bump in the night? What can be learned by looking at these concepts and creatures?

You are invited to meditate upon the topic of Monsters in our October Mini-Workshop, and to see your own truth.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop - Church & State

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Church & State

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

The separation of Church & State is a relatively newer concept in human history, as many civilizations were (and still are) ruled by the predominant religions of their day.

In November’s Mini-Workshop, we will explore the concepts of Church & State. This is a space to work these energies with amusement and to find your neutrality.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop - Hope

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Hope

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

How do you relate to Hope?

Do you have Hope for the future? Does Hope that things will change affect whether you take steps to make that change happen? Does Hope keep you in or out of the present moment?

In December’s Mini-Workshop, we will explore the concept of Hope. This is a space to reset your relationship with Hope, to validate what is working, and to take steps towards the change you would like to see for yourself.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop - Otherworlds

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Otherworlds

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

Are there other planes of existence or dimensions parallel to ours? Can these spaces be visited or viewed? What are some examples from spiritual practices and mythology around the world?

In September’s Mini-Workshop, we will look at the concept of Otherworlds and call our energy back from these spaces.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop - Afterlives

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Afterlives

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

What happens after this life ends?

That question is often at the root of religions, philosophies, stories, and myths.

In August’s Mini-Workshop, we will look at the topic of Afterlives with amusement and from a kindergarten vibration… this is a space to see your own truth and to hear the truths of others.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop - The Astral

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring The Astral

This event is offered online by the Berkeley Mission

What is The Astral?

Is it where you go when you sleep or daydream? Does it affect your waking life? Do you have seniority to what you encounter there? Do you struggle to bring your information back with you?

In July’s Mini-Workshop, we will look at The Astral to get lit up, to find our own truths, to play with seniority and awareness, and to mock-up adventures.

Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all (no prerequisites required).

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Mini-Workshop: Eclipses

Join our Mini-Workshop exploring Eclipses

Hello! We are offering a series of Mini-Workshops created and taught by Rev. Michael Sollazzo. Mini-Workshops use tools and concepts taught in BPI Classes, and they are open to all.

March’s Mini-Workshop theme is Eclipses. With a total solar eclipse happening in just a few weeks, this Mini-Workshop will explore these types of events. How have eclipses been viewed in history? How are you setting the energy of this one for yourself?

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